+1 (860) 927-1537 diane@meier.nyc

Make it Work

Not every client who comes to MEIER has a fully staffed Operations team. We can help.

The MEIER team has significant operational experience in Retail, Hospitality, Tech, and Media.

As we determine the issues and stages that might be optimized in helping a client to reach their goals, these back-of-house skills, typically seen as separate from those of brand-building, may be identified as more important than one might have imagined. And, more often than not, we can help here too.

We have run companies and divisions of all sizes around the world. We can provide expert assistance in planning and executing a reorganization, right-sizing, or acquisition; and can provide a holistic operational road map for the journey.

We also have extensive design, display, merchandising, and real estate experience, and can help you in evaluating, acquiring, leasing, or fitting-out retail locations, corporate offices, factories, or hospitality venues.

With our knowledge of creating and measuring the ideal Guest Experience, we can deliver Standard Operating Procedures, Mystery Shopping, or other QA programs, and ensure a tightly managed social and traditional media reputation.

Some of our services include:

Operational Consultation

  • Operational Audit and Re-engineering
  • Design of Guest Experience and Quality Control Systems
  • Specification of Technology Systems and Systems Integration

Get in Touch

1 + 12 =

907 Broadway, 4th floor
New York, NY 10010
+1 212 460 5655